Today Sharon started a new book. She has been on a David Nobbs kick lately reading many of his books.He is a British humorist who has written many quirky and funny books that have been adapted to British Situation comedies. Among them are The two Ronnies and The fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin. Getting back to today, she just started Nobb's A Bit Of A Do. It was eventually a British comedy drama series starring David Jason and was aired on ITV in 1989.As is the case some of the time, the books I order through Amazon come from the UK. This one did for sure,as when Sharon opened it, this theaterticket stub fell out of it. It provided an interesting glimpse and connection into an unknown life half way around the world.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Today I heard a Freddy Cole recording on the Dish Jazz channel . It reminded me that a few years ago I had never heard of him. Although he was born in October of 1931 and began playing piano at age 6, he had three elder brothers, Eddie, Ike and Nat (twelve years older) who were all musicians. Because of Nat's success he was probably always in his brothers shadow. After Nat died Natalie seemed to eventually move into the spotlight. Or maybe I am the only one who had never heard of him . For more information visit
After much sweaty work, our pineapples are ready for another season. This year we consumed 40 and gave sixty away . We planted 42 new starters, and gave away at least that many after deciding to try and keep the number of plants down . New this season are a new planting area and palm mulch chips.The mulch will hopefully retain moisture , keep weeds down and make things easier and neater. We shall see !
I spend a bit of time at Utube . It amazes me how much creative material can be found. I regularly find something wonderful. Something not so wonderful however are the countless crude comments made. I constantly find myself amazed . Some are sexist ,racist, abusive and or mean spirited. Many have nothing to do with the videos content. Is this on the level or is it some kind of tasteless joke. I just don't understand
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday we had a few palms removed in the front yard. All of them had grown too tall to keep pruned and one was occasionally getting caught in our power lines. Across the front of the lot we had 5 clumps of Areca palms removed. They were also too tall and created a visual barrier . The effect of all of this work is making the whole front yard and house look great.