Hard to believe in just a few weeks we have gone through almost all of the current crop. We have given almost 60 away ,
and consumed 5 There are about 15 that remain to be picked. The photo above shows all of the starts rooting before planting and several
fruits that we picked in the past 2 days. Now all that needs to be done is removing 20 more plants, weeding, planting and fertilizing.
I am getting tired just thinking about it
Having just finished Pausanias Guide to Greece (written in the 2nd century) ,I am now reading a Hawaiian history book.
Although I had to slog through 500 pages the Greece book was worth it. It is fascinating
that some things that occurred then can be so different ( the idea that the gods gave warnings for a year that an earthquake was coming)
but others( A young couple in love who can not get permission from their families to marry) remain the same .Any way I am going to put away the classics for a wile and try to learn more about the island where I live.
Pineapples have returned once again. All the work has been done(well most of it anyway)and it is time to enjoy. Now all that remains to be done is to consume or give them away. Thenroot the babies(tops of the fruits) and plant them. This time things are a little different as they all must be checked for Fire ants. These are tiny red ants that have a potent sting which have invaded since the last crop. So each fruit must be checked and maybe sprayed with water .We probably have 70 to 80 fruits but they will be gone in no time .
I am still slogging through the Pausanis book ,although I am almost finished. Throughout this book and
others that I have read from the same time period I am astounded by the horribly cruel things that occasionally occur.
I tend to want to imagine life then as being noble and civil but keep encountering examples
like the one above. I guess some things never change.