Being Saturday today we were at dog class. As we loaded up for the trip home we noticed a small
Gecko right on the middle of the plastic covering the instrument gauges. Not realizing we had brought it with us
and being the silly sentimentalists we are, we could not leave it 30 miles away from its home,our back carport.
so we dutifully tried to not excite it all the way home. I repeatedly instructed Sharon (she was driving) not to freak out and crash the car if it jumped on her. It meandered over to my side about halfway home but basically stayed on the inside
of the windshield. We all made it all the way home and as far as we know our unexpected passenger is reunited with his wife and kids. That is our story and we are sticking to it.
Here we go again. Another book that will be challenging I am sure. A detailed look at the architecture of the Renaissance by an author who detests it. It does concentrate on Venice(which was my attraction to it) and is well written so no matter what it will be rewarding.
Just finished reading Hellhound on his trail and found it the really enjoyable.
It really was difficult to put it down at times. I found it interesting that James Earl Ray ( that name is not mentioned until
late in the book) came from such a crime ridden family. It was also fascinating that he came really close to escaping to
another country where it would have been difficult to expedite him. There are a couple of weak points one of which is that the Author does not develop how this petty criminal bungling his way around the country(after escaping form a prison) all of the sudden buys a rifle and commits this major league crime. Aside from that the story remains gripping for the entire book
All the planting is done and in record time. There are 52 new starts that will not have fruits until year after next.
We had to curve the lines to avoid a rocky area at the far end of the first section. There are always
rock areas around the lot(excluding the ones in my head) so planting is an adventure!
As I am reading a book about the assassination of Martin Luther King I remembered where I was when it happened.
I was in the 74th army band stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis. Actually I lived at home and commuted to the army but that's another story. When all the unrest started the powers that be decided the Military police needed help so the band was to be used as a second riot squad. I am serious! we actually got rifles(we were all really qualified to use them) but affixing a bayonet to it and
doing that lock shuffle step was something else. After the MP commanders saw us"drilling" they then decided
it wasn't such a good idea.
I just finished reading Big Island Journey (see post below). Sad to see yet another example of a culture that
was almost wiped out after being "discovered" by the industrialized world. Now I am reading Hellhound on His Trail.
which looks as if it will be enjoyable. Written by Hampton Sides it details the stalking and assassination of Martin
Luther King . Sharon (Mrs NOTSO) just finished it and could hardly put it down.
Pineapples almost gone! . Have posted photos of the plants but not many of the fruits. We have been growing them for 5 years now and have become pretty proficient. We have already worked out a space for 50 new plants and will have around that number of second year plants. Those are the ones that will have fruit next season.
Here is the second in my series of Interesting Village/Pub names from the Good Beer Guide.I suppose it would be more interesting if I could determine how these names originated but because there are 50 or so counties and 4,500 pubs listed in the guide I will probably be lucky to just finish this list.