John Coltrane
For me another subject with endless vitality and spiritual meaning. I have been adding his albums to my collection for years. From his early recordings in the 1950s to the last of his work before his death in 1967, the number is now over 20, It is interesting to listen over the years as a straight ahead bop style transcends into an intense search for spiritual meaning. His playing evolved into music that was not traditional and caused a lot of mixed reviews. For me( Mr. Searching for answers) it is meditative. It is more spiritual in nature than anything the Christian right has come up with! There is even a Coltrane Church in (San Francisco of course)www.saintjohncoltrane.com/ Many words have been written but the best way to experience Coltrane is to listen. For starters use the link to the right . After you enter the site the top left had of the window has a pull down menu of several complete tunes. Listen to any or better yet, all of them! Go ahead get hooked!!
The way it feels sometimes
David doing his D J thing
I really love Jazz music. Because my Dad was a Jazz piano player our house often had something swinging happening. He also owned one of the best music stores in Indianapolis. I played either clarinet or Baritone sax in Elementary School, High School , College and even in Army Bands.
Since then I have collected and enjoyed records and now cd’s. So you can Imagine how I jumped at the chance to take some of my collection and join my friend David as a guest on his weekly Jazz radio show at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.
I made my fourth appearance today. In all, I took 12 cd’s . David had selected Many Miles Davis recordings to celebrate Miles birthday . Each time I play d j (even though David does all the work) I realize just how wonderful this music is. I really believe it is good for your health to listen carefully.
Some of the material we played today was recorded many years ago. Even so ,it remains vital and contemporary, passing that old test of time theory. I believe the honesty of its spirit transcends time. All great art seems to do this.
Here is a link to information on the station and David’s show
The Prisoner is considered by many to be the most unusual and thought-provoking television series ever made. When it was first shown in England in 1967 there had certainly been nothing like it before and, many would argue, nothing has surpassed it since. The series first aired in the United States on June 1st, 1968 on the CBS network and was repeated in the summer of 1969. The series is now unbelievably 40 years old but retains its vitality . This is helped in part by six of one the Prisoner appreciation society .For more information visit http://www.sixofone.org.uk/general.htm
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