John Coltrane
For me another subject with endless vitality and spiritual meaning. I have been adding his albums to my collection for years. From his early recordings in the 1950s to the last of his work before his death in 1967, the number is now over 20, It is interesting to listen over the years as a straight ahead bop style transcends into an intense search for spiritual meaning. His playing evolved into music that was not traditional and caused a lot of mixed reviews. For me( Mr. Searching for answers) it is meditative. It is more spiritual in nature than anything the Christian right has come up with! There is even a Coltrane Church in (San Francisco of course)www.saintjohncoltrane.com/ Many words have been written but the best way to experience Coltrane is to listen. For starters use the link to the right . After you enter the site the top left had of the window has a pull down menu of several complete tunes. Listen to any or better yet, all of them! Go ahead get hooked!!
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