Another moment I have anticipated. We found these Bird of Paradise plants in the weeds at the back of our lot 4 years ago. After moving them to another location which they did not like and were once again buried in weeds we moved them here. Here they get better light and more weeding and are coming around and blooming. As hotforwords says "there you go"Another success story!
Meet Nani. Shortly after we moved here Nani adopted us. Just showed up and worked her way into our hearts. She was then just a kitten all skin and bones. That was over 5 years ago and as you can see now she is no longer that. Here the runt of the litter is named Nani Iki (little pretty one) but she is no longer iki - just Nani
Living in Hawaii sometimes presents these spectacular opportunities. Not too many places could you go have a nice dinner out and stop by the local volcanic ocean entry on the way home . Once again you gotta be impressed.
This was taken on our "treck"to the summit of Sharp Top after the ceremony. It actually is only 2,000 feet but does have a really good view of the Virginia countryside . I still feel this photo looks like album cover art.
This was taken at the summit of Mt. Sharp Top, one of the two mountains surrounding the lodge where we were married. We originally wanted to have the ceremony at this spot but realized it would be difficult for everyone to get there. Eventually we learned that another couple (Park Rangers) had been married at the here so it lost some appeal . Sharon's parents were regular churchgoers but did agree to the ceremony outside of a church and the Lodge is a spot that they felt comfortable with. I love the fact that we only had 14 at our wedding ,including the minister! The lodge (and their excellent restaurant kitchen) catered it. The total cost was $40!! Between the setting and the excellent food we could have not asked for more.
The photo of Sharon and I posted a few days ago gave me the idea to post others . Here is one of the first, taken after our wedding at the Peaks of Otter Lodge on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia April 10 1971.
I started my first day of Kindergarten with excitement and a new hat. My mom had been attracted to it by the little horn on the top. When I arrived at the school I proudly hung it in the cloak room. I was early so I found a place in the room , sat down and waited for class to start. As my classmates arrived and discovered my prized possession almost every one of the 20 or so kids could not resist trying it ,causing quite a ruckus. HONK HONK, HONK , HONK, HONK HONK HONK . It continued for what seemed like an eternity. Of course the teacher yelled at me . DON'T YOU EVER BRING THAT HAT TO SCHOOL AGAIN, thus beginning a school career of emotional scars! Thanks Mom!