Couldn't resist these light spots . I guess I have too much time on my hands

While going to my cousin Marks facebook page page I discovered 75 Niceley's entered. I don't know why but this astounds me!
This is from a series of note cards I did in San Francisco in the 80s. I sold them as a Street Artist at Fisherman's Warf .
One of Alec Sterns excellent San Francisco drawings
Last night we went to our monthly neighborhood watch meeting. As usual our community police officer came to give his report. On our way in we had noticed his car parked in the lot because it was a new white DodgeChallenger with a big Hemi v8 in it ( Some Police cars used here are privately owned) . Talking to him later he said he used to have a Mustang. This reminded me of something that happened several weeks ago. Driving home from the grocery we were passed(on the right) by someone who must have been doing 70 in a 45 zone. As he roared around us I shouted where is a cop when you need one! Shortly after that we passed our officer in his mustang pulling that jerk over!! It was a really great fist pumping ALL RIGHT !!moment.
It was just as enjoyable relating the story to him last night !
Having grown up in Indiana for 25 years , I never imagined that I would become so attached to the sea. I suppose it is understandable however , considering that I have lived at the edge of it for longer than that.
This excellent shot from Trains Magazine was taken by Joel Jensen . It records a Union Pacific Challenger steam engine as it pops into view between two covered hoppers on a passing train. What timing!
Hurricane season started here on June 1. Since then more that one storm has formed in the waters off Mexico and made their way towards us . Fortunately most have not made it this far for various reasons . During the past week one did get here but was so weakened it did not amount to much. The storm in the chart above is the latest and should be here the middle of next week. It is interesting following them on the NOAA Hurricane center (the source of the chart) but when they officially reach the central Pacific sectorthat changes. Then its just nerve racking. Seems as if November 1 (end of hurricane season) is a long way off!