So---- we are driving home from the grocery(as we do every Monday)when the Beach Boys Good Vibrations comes on the radio. Suddenly it is 1966. I am listening to WLS on my transistor radio (with earphone in,) just before falling as sleep in my bunk bed in the barrics . I am back at basic training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. Why does some music trigger these vivid memories? Any number of recordings do this to me. Each connected to different times and places. Ever thought about this?
This morning we were a little stressed out because one of our cats was going to the vet to have his teeth cleaned. He does not like the carrying case(you can't blame him as he was confined to one when we flew here from San Francisco while moving ) After I put him in the box and rushed to put on my shoes I felt as if my right foot was being crammed into shoe 2 sizes too small. After a short struggle I got it on , grabbed the box and limped out the door feeling as if my foot was going to break in half.I kept thinking something is not right here and after we had finished talking to the vet I sat down in the waiting room to see if my foot had indeed been broken. When I got the shoe off, and looked inside I was astonishment to find a shoe horn in there. It was cheap and made of plastic so it is interesting that it didn't break. It was so funny that I didn't even care that I am such dolt!
Returning my Niceley topic, here is another shot of My Mom, Probably taken in the late 70s in Indianapolis. She died in 1983. She never smiled while having a picture taken because she was self conscious of her teeth . How silly that seems now!
Over the years of living in San Francisco, I started to notice an increase of these con trails. There are also chem trails (who some think are being intentionally sprayed ) I began to wonder my self one morning . I had arrived for work (as a trade show installer) at the Santa Clara convention center and was sitting in my car on the roof top level of the parking garage . It was then that I noticed a small white jet that was flying back and forth while it released white smoke trails over large parts of the sky. What a strange thing to do. Maybe they are right! Anyway,to make a short story long (as Steve Allen used to say) In all the 7 years Here in Hawaii I have not seen one trail of any kind! Another little perk for living on the most isolated land mass on earth!. I
Scriabin was an interesting Russian composer who's music was way ahead of its time. Over the years it became increasingly atonal and presaged 12 tone composition. He once said it should sometimes be accompanied by colored lights. That was in the 19th Century !
I have received some Niceley responses (ha ha) about my joke idea
Christopher Niceley of Washington DC said: "I am not so much against the "oh isn't that a nice name or "are you? " . It would be worse to be named Christopher Badley ... They get old.
Adam Niceley of Tulsa Oklahoma said: "While I was stationed in Kuwait I worked as an RTO (radio telephone operator) and I always had people tell me that I answered the phone" very Niceley"
I have just begun to contact them so will try a few more