So, as Sharon, Red, and I returned from out nightly walk yesterday ,we were about to enter the house. I was giving Sharon the house key when Red spotted a Mongoose. I was not really paying attention to him (this is always a bad idea) and he charged (all 75 pounds of him)to the other side of the driveway extending the retractable leash to its maximum length . Unfortunately it was not long enough and the force of it yanked me to the ground. I landed on my elbows and knees producing some nasty scrapes. I did not however break anything (ribs teeth etc etc) so I was really lucky. Maybe one day I will learn to pay attention at all times when holding Reds leash. It struck me how you never know the full extent of possibilities at any given moment.
I have finished my David Nobbs book. It was a fun comedy/romance involving a couple of young lovers that break up only to get back together many years later and live happily ever after. The last sentence was really clever because it was a device to begin a novel (the first sentence of the one you have just finished) which was about to be written. Good fun! Now I am switching back to non fiction with A History of Wales written by John Davis. I have been interested in Wales ever since visiting Portmeirion (in Wales) years ago. As a matter of fact I bought this book during one of those visits. It is one of the many books purchased while traveling that I am finally getting around to reading. Time for stuff like this, one of the many joys of retirement.
I have been thinking about a couple of new posts but when this came along I couldn't resist. This beautiful ,delicious grapefruit came from our tree. It is November and the beginning of grapefruit season. We planted an 18 inch plant 7 years ago and is now a healthy 20 foot tree! This fruit is at least 5 inches across and is (was ) very good.
Being Saturday it was dog class day. We have been trudging off to Red's class for 3 years now . Classes are held for a period of 10 weeks followed by a gap of two or three months. In this fall class cycle a Halloween costume contest is held. This is our 4th contest and until now we have not been recognized. This is ironic because this time we put no time or thought into the process. Then while grocery shopping last Monday made an impulse purchase of this child's costume. I saw it and thought it was a perfect image of Red's personality. There were 37 dogs in the contest and with all the creative home made costumes I didn't think we had much of a chance. I guess the judges felt differently.
For a change I am reading a book that has no hidden material in its structure. David Nobbs(best know for creating The fall and rise of Reginald Perrin) latest book is a fun comic novel. I am already half way through it and enjoying it thoroughly.
I am getting most adept at selecting challenging books. I think I have said before I started this practice after seeing it in a book about reading. Anyway, The British museum is falling down( the Author originally wanted to name it The British Museum had lost its Charm) turned out to be more than I expected. It is a humorous story about a Catholic British couple struggling with the churches practices regarding birth control. But because the main character is involved in Literary research at the British Museum the author cleverly writes parts of each chapter in the style of several notable classic authors . Not being familiar( with any detail ) of the authors being parodied It went right over my head for the most part. It was not until the books afterword that I had the AHAH! moment. I enjoyed it none the less. Now I am reading about St Peters Basilica . Not becuse of the catholic theme of this book alone but in combination of it and The stones of Venice. I wonder if you could call it viral reading?