It has been almost a year. My not so new eating habits have been more than a diet for quite a while now. During this time I have lost over 45 pounds. The plan has a few components . First thing in the morning I weigh in. This simple act has kept focus on the goal. Another area is what I was eating. Label reading,reducing fat, less bread and processed food, switching to 1%milk etc etc. Then how much, just slow down and don’t keep stuffing your face. ButI haven’t been strict to the point of restricting eating out. I zig and zag . Go off as long as you return the next morning. An on the weekend anything goes. But on Monday, back to the watch! It has worked ,almost too well, as some are starting to ask if I have been sick. I am not sick I'm just Notso fat anymore!
good photoshop work putting two of you adjacent to each other for comparison. well, since you started it, i have lost at least 10 pounds since i came home from shanghai. and the key is eat one proper meal a day and nimble a little bit of something for lunch if have to, and definitely no breakfast. it works!
I didn't think you needed to lose any weight!
no, i didn't need to. but it just OCCURRED!
Just passing through thanks to the 'next blog' button, but I couldn't miss the chance to say well done. The before/after shot is fabulous.
thank you very much! My wife and I both have before and after stories and I have created a new photo for that!
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