When I was a kid my family lived in a duplex next door to my dad's parents. We moved there when the opportunity came about to buy the place where they lived . We then moved into the other half of it. During part of the 17 years we lived there my grandmother agreed to take a young boy in.His name was (is) Raymond Layton and he stayed for several years. Living right next door we became like brothers during that time. Eventually he left and I have only seen him once since. I often wonder what he is doing now and every July 31st I think Happy Birthday Raymond!
As I mentioned in a previous reforestation post there was another lava rock outcropping on the lot . Here is a photo of it beginning to emerge from the tangled mass of vines and weed mat. This one is by far much larger than the other . It is fascinating to discover these features. I always wonder what caused this uplifting . maybe an earthquake ?( we have them frequently). Maybe one day I will find the answers . For now I will just enjoy finding, clearing ,and highlighting them.
This reforestation thing is really pleasant . To be sure it is a lot of back breaking sweat laden work and we have been at it for years but it is worth it. Today the temperature was just right and skies were clear which makes working in the forest , with the its sounds really enjoyable. With almost no "city noise" to mask it ,the birds ,wind and even insects create an almost meditative atmosphere. But this photo illustrates one of the best things about doing this. The rock formation in the background (actually old lava rock) was completely hidden in invasive weeds and vines. When I first noticed parts of it in the initial stages of clearing I imagined what an archaeologist must feel like making more important discoveries. Now it is all cleared and is glorius. There is another bigger formation farther back on the lot which we will be getting to soon. This has become my retirement career!
Gotta love it!
Darjeeling was only one of the energetic intelligent cats we have had(oops that have had us) Her brother Earl Grey was another. They were both feral cats born in our back yard in San Francisco in the late 80s and were the smartest best cats in our feline family. Earl Grey was the official greeter of the house. He was always at the door no matter who was on the other side. Just had to see who was coming to visit him ! He also fetched which is unusual for a cat. At first it was plastic snap can lids but he was overjoyed when we found a little frisbe for him . But the best was a game we invented. We called it door hockey. Because we had hardwood floors it was possible to slide a plastic lid under the door . I would go into the bed room and close the door and he would be on the other side . Then we would shove the lid back and forth. We actually did this for for 10 or 15 minutes an a time! I would try to get it past him but usually did not. Even when I did ,I could hear him( trot trot trot --scuffle-- trot trot--- plop ) and it came flying back under the door at me . Sometimes I would get this interesting feeling that a human was on the other side of that door! Door Hockey and Earl, Grey miss them both!
The last time we visited England was during Christmas 2000. One of the lasting memories was a wonderful Trifle we had for Christmas dinner.
We liked it so much we had to try to fix one after we returned home. So, sometime after returning we made a trip to William Sonoma to get a trifle bowl . At the store we found a really good one and bought it . They placed it in one of their bags with the cord handles and we were on our way. At home we put our purchase in the extra bed room and went about our business.
Enter Darjeeling our curious cat. After a day or so the new object in the room had to be explored . While checking it out (she probably thought is was her prey) she managed to put herhead through one of the bag handles then promptly forgot how to back out of it. She got excited,bolted and both she and her new appendage went flying down the basement steps. At the bottom landing they turned right and in quickly turning that direction the handle broke and the bag (and our new prized Trifle bowl) were sent crashing into the wall to the left .
Just for the heck of it we called the credit card co. to see if this whole humorous episode qualified for an insurance replacement payment. The agent said unfortunately not but He would to print it and place it on their bulletin board for a laugh .
I suppose that is almost as good!