Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
from the archives (some things never change)

As you can see we took the Christ deco down today. As a kid I remember being really down removing the trim.It seemed so long until It rolled around again. Endless dreary days at School seemed to stretch out for an eternity. As an adult it seems to have changed to an uplifting time of simplification and reorganization .
It is much better this way.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Corporate Madness

When will all of this corporate madness end? It has permeated everything! I suppose it has been worsening over many years but now has gotten to a point that it is not even thought about. In sports(not to mention television or other media) at a professional or collegiate level, logos are everywhere . It doesn't matter which sports, either .Football, Baseball ,or Basketball, they are all infected. On facilities , uniforms , around the playing fields ,between the goal posts , even on blimps . Not only are there images, but there is audio too.You know, when the opening lineup is brought to you by someone , the security company presents a stolen base report or the phone company makes its call to the bullpen for a relief pitcher. We are drowning in Ads! While at Indiana University I loved going to Basketball games. Since that time I watch the Hoosiers periodically and a year ago was appalled when I found that they had installed a new immense hideous scoreboard suspended from the roof over center court. But that was not the worst . There are new brilliantly lighted logo scroller machines on the sidelines .To me, all of this seems pervert a basic principal that information should be presented for the benefit of the public rather than to line someones pocket. It should be presented honestly, not taken by a second party and then dispensed only after being used for their benefit. Some time soon I hope the public wakes up and sees what a detriment all of this is.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
This Is Interesting
An email I received from a friend the other day made me think about math. It had a list of 10
names that could be a role model to you.The 9th name was my friends name . In order to get your role model's name (number) you had to go through several steps of calculations. Of course it was set up for my friends name which was # 9 on the list. Ordinarily I shy away from stuff like this because math makes my head hurt. I have always struggled with it being easily distracted. Oddly enough during my time working at Sears the personnel manager called me to his office one day and said my aptitude scores indicated I was good with math(go figure ) and asked me if I would be interested in working in the pay roll office. I still can not figure out where he got that crazy idea but I decided to do it. Well, I lasted about 8 months (mainly because no one else wanted to replace me) but I digress.
Selecting your role model worked like this.
(1)select a number (from 1to 9)
(2) multiply by 3
(3) add 3
(4) multiply by 3 again
(5) add the 2 digits
I then realized that all of the numbers you might pick (1 through 9) caused the the same result .
1x3=3+3=6x3=18 1+8=9
2x3=6+3=9x3=27 2+7=9
3x3=9+3=12x3=36 3+6=9
6x3=18+3=21x3=63 6 +3=9
7x3=21+3=24x3=72 7+2=9
8x3=24+3=27x3=81 8+1=9
9x3=27+3=30x3=90 9+0=9
notice how the first and second sums increase by 3 the 3rd by 9 . What is
even more fascinating is that they all produce numbers that add up to 9
I still don't like math but this is interesting
names that could be a role model to you.The 9th name was my friends name . In order to get your role model's name (number) you had to go through several steps of calculations. Of course it was set up for my friends name which was # 9 on the list. Ordinarily I shy away from stuff like this because math makes my head hurt. I have always struggled with it being easily distracted. Oddly enough during my time working at Sears the personnel manager called me to his office one day and said my aptitude scores indicated I was good with math(go figure ) and asked me if I would be interested in working in the pay roll office. I still can not figure out where he got that crazy idea but I decided to do it. Well, I lasted about 8 months (mainly because no one else wanted to replace me) but I digress.
Selecting your role model worked like this.
(1)select a number (from 1to 9)
(2) multiply by 3
(3) add 3
(4) multiply by 3 again
(5) add the 2 digits
I then realized that all of the numbers you might pick (1 through 9) caused the the same result .
1x3=3+3=6x3=18 1+8=9
2x3=6+3=9x3=27 2+7=9
3x3=9+3=12x3=36 3+6=9
6x3=18+3=21x3=63 6 +3=9
7x3=21+3=24x3=72 7+2=9
8x3=24+3=27x3=81 8+1=9
9x3=27+3=30x3=90 9+0=9
notice how the first and second sums increase by 3 the 3rd by 9 . What is
even more fascinating is that they all produce numbers that add up to 9
I still don't like math but this is interesting
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Precision spin

My love of music goes back a long way. In High School I was of course in the band . We were pretty good (or so I thought at the time) but we were full of ourselves too! We marched in several parades but I remember one when the sousaphone players got the bright idea of doing a 360 degree spin periodically while we were marching but not playing. They timed it very well ,so the spin occurred at the same place, during the cymbal crash of the drum cadence. It was pretty flashy so our the band director (the revered Mr. Calvert) went along with it reluctantly.All went well until we approached the review stand . This is the location of all the events officials, including the ones who judge the best units in the parade. We smartly strutted past the stand and then the disaster struck. As the sousaphone rank got right opposite the stand, they executed their precision spin but a bell (top) of one of the instruments flew off . As if that wasn't bad enough it landed behind us, as they were the last rank, hitting the street at an angle and proceeding to spin for what seemed like an eternity. The player sheepishly retrieved it and rushed to catch up with us. Needless to say they never did their precision spin again.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
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