Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006

A Ton of Bricks
Almost every afternoon you will find me on our lanai with reading material in my hands. Although I sometimes struggle to stay awake I do get some reading done too. I recently read James Cook The Journals. It is a narrative of his three ocean voyages during the late 18th century. The third voyage occurred in 1776-1780 and of course ends with Cook’s death here on the Big Island of Hawaii. Returning to our Lanai ; it faces the south east and a wonderful view of the ocean 6 miles away. This is a key point of my story which I will now continue. One day as I was reading , I reached a point where he was approaching his “final” landing . This was Kealakekua Bay which is to the south and west of our house. While reading about their course just off the coast it suddenly hit me. I set the book down and stared out at the ocean thinking. Man! 228 years ago his ship sailed right across “ MY OCEAN VIEW” Every now and then something hits you like a ton of bricks!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Generally they are available until mid January. This great tradition has probably evolved from Wassail, a hot, spiced punch often associated with winter celebrations of northern Europe, such as Christmas, New Year's and Twelfth Night.
Living in Hawaii there are fewer to choose from but usually I can find my 3 favorites
Anchor brewery special Ale

Deschutes Jubleale

and Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale

Anchor has been producing special ale for over 30 years. Each year the recipe is slightly different but is always loaded with holiday spice flavor! Taste is great but the tradition is the thing! If you are careful these beers will keep for years. Once on an British Christmas holiday with friends we had a collection of Special ales dating back 10 years. We sampled them all and the 10 year old bottle was the best!
So go out and find one of the many available today and enjoy
Happy holidays!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006

Meet RED
After 35 years of a cats only house hold we now have a dog. Three weeks ago ,on our way to go swimming, we passed an abandoned car with this dog lying next to it. Returning home an hour later, it was still there so we stopped to check it out . The car had been vandalized and no one was around so we decided to take the poor hungry dog home with us. We later learned from friends that he had been there three days before we happened by. Since then we have had him neutered , received a clean bill of health for him and proceeded to fall in love! I turns out that although a little over exuberant (now that he has regained his strength)he is a real smart sweetheart . In three weeks he has gone from being abandoned to totally spoiled! Although I have learned very quickly that dogs are a lot more work than cats I think he has found a new home!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006

From the Verve website
Smokin' At The Half Note Catalog #8295782
compact disc
reissue release date 11/21/1989
original releasing label Verve Records
This album is the live equivalent of the INCREDIBLE GUITAR album--Wes Montgomery cooking with a seasoned and communicative piano trio on a set of jazz compositions, standards, and original material. INCREDIBLE GUITAR has Tommy Flanagan, Percy Heath, and Albert Heath; SMOKIN' has the Wynton Kelly trio, with Paul Chambers on bass, and Jimmy Cobb on drums. Not only had the same trio served as one of Miles Davis' great rhythm sections, but Kelly was considered by many to be the most gifted accompanist of his time.
Miles Davis's "No Blues" is in fact an utterly relentless blues, with Montgomery nailing each single-note, octave, or block-chord phrase with passionate conviction. Bassist Sam Jones's "Unit 7" is another uptempo blues. "Four on Six," which debuted on INCREDIBLE GUITAR, gets an edited version of the head and a slightly faster treatment overall. Kelly takes the lead on the first ballad, "If You Could See Me Now," Montgomery on the second, framing the melody to "What's New" in octaves over Cobb's late-night brushes. The excellent sound quality and almost complete lack of audience noise throughout makes SMOKIN' feel like eavesdropping of the best kind.
Producer: Creed Taylor
Engineer: Rudy Van Gelder; Val Valentin
Personnel: Wes Montgomery (guitar); Wynton Kelly (piano); Paul Chambers (bass); Jimmy Cobb (drums).
Recorded live at the Half Note, New York, New York and Van Gelder Studios, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey in June and September 1965.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006

This re release was originally recorded in July of 1961 and combines the Duke Ellington and Count Basie bands. This is not a battle of bands but a wonderful 30 piece orchestra! Not a contest but friends getting together for a“visit “according to the Duke . These great musicians really appreciated each other and the finished product reflects it . All with no rehearsal! This has got that swing!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006

This is one terrific CD . It was originally recorded in March of 1961 and released on CD sometime in the late 80’s .A combination of Lenord Bernsteins orginal music , Jhonny Richards jazz adaptation and Kenton’s Mellophonium period orchestra make this music brilliant! The liner notes say that of all the success Kenton’s West Side Story obtained, one event tops everything. During the mixing of the album the producers of the almost complete Film West Side Story paid a visit to see what was going on. They were astonished with this material saying “if we had only known “ As well as having a 28 week run on the Billboard charts in November of 1961 , this album won a Grammy award for Best Big Band Jazz recording of the year! IT has to be one of Kenton’s greatest recordings!
Friday, August 18, 2006

This is one of my very favorite Pubs in London. At the end of a quiet cobbled mews off Belgrave Square, the Star stands proud, head and shoulders above its neighbours. It was built in the early 19th century to cater for the domestic staff of the many great houses of Belgravia. The mews cottages were used for stabling horses and to accommodate the grooms and coachmen. Today they are more likely to house a millionaire than a servant. From the outside the Star probably hasn't changed that much, but inside the new social order has left its mark. The open bar would have been divided into many rooms, each one used according to ones status 'below stairs'. Now it is open and bright. There are two fireplaces in the largest room, with comfortable benches and scrubbed pine tables. The Star is a very popular pub, particularly at lunchtimes. There's a pleasant room upstairs which acts as an overflow dining room. Incidentally it's thought this room is where the Great Train Robbery was planned here. The food is simple but good quality, a typical menu includes sausages and mash, steaks, salads and freshly cut sandwiches. The Fuller's beers are very well kept, proven by its inclusion in the CamRA Good Beer Guide for the last 30 years. Some material taken from From Pubs.com
Sunday, August 13, 2006

It has been almost a year. My not so new eating habits have been more than a diet for quite a while now. During this time I have lost over 45 pounds. The plan has a few components . First thing in the morning I weigh in. This simple act has kept focus on the goal. Another area is what I was eating. Label reading,reducing fat, less bread and processed food, switching to 1%milk etc etc. Then how much, just slow down and don’t keep stuffing your face. ButI haven’t been strict to the point of restricting eating out. I zig and zag . Go off as long as you return the next morning. An on the weekend anything goes. But on Monday, back to the watch! It has worked ,almost too well, as some are starting to ask if I have been sick. I am not sick I'm just Notso fat anymore!
Saturday, August 12, 2006

In May of 1913 The premier of the Ballet The Rite Of Spring caused a riot in a theater in Paris. Igor Stravinsky had created the music to do precisely that. It set aside the notion that an ordinary interrelationship between melody,harmony and form was mandatory. Instead, texture, dynamics and rhythm were a focus. This,in part makes it extremely elemental and primitive. In addition, a great deal of its melodic material is based on folk songs .Folklore was a phenomenon during that time period and Stravinsky used the material to create the essence of primitive energy. Also its metric complexity ,changes, syncopation ,and odd phrase groupings create a mood of mystery. The total effect is most successful at shocking the listener even today almost 100 years later. It is quite a work!
Thursday, August 10, 2006

I Visited my friend David Watson last Tuesday. If you remember he is an excellent Jazz musician. While there he played me some initial recordings from his Yet to be released Cd. It was recorded at the System Two Studios in New York. This promises to be something! check out the guys on the cd * David Watson Vocals* Mike LeDonne piano * Bob Cranshaw Bass He has played with Sonny Rollins Lee Morgan, Wes Montgomery, Coleman Hawkins, Johnny Hodges, Horace Silver, McCoy Tyner, Thelonious Monk, Jimmy Heath, James Moody, and Buddy Rich, as well as toured with George Shearing, Joe Williams, Ella Fitzgerald, and Oscar Peterson. Say no more! * Mickey Rocker Drums he has played with
Dizzy Gillespie ,Eddie Gomez ,Tommy Flanagan ,Jimmy Heath, Jerry Dodgion,Sonny Rollins , Alfred Lion , Milt Jackson, Randy Johnston, Duso Goykovich, Bobby Jones ,Horace Silver, Ray Brown , Joe Pass , Stanley Turrentine,McCoy Tyner ,Sarah Vaughan ,Harold Vick, Phil Woods ,Joe Williams,Cedar Walton, Zoot Sims, Donald Byrd , Randy Brecker,Ray Bryant, Benny Carter, Chick Corea ,Duke Pearson,Robert Schimmel, Shirley Scott, Junior Mance ,Blue Mitchell,Roy Eldridge, Ella Fitzgerald ,Frank Foster ,Thad Jones ,Pepper Adams ,Garnett Brown , George Gershwin, Gene Harris,Herbie Hancock,The Modern Jazz Quartet, The N.Y. Hardbop Quintet ,Joe Henderson,Bobby Hutcherson ,Nat Adderley, Gene Ammons Count Basie, Hank Jones , and more!
This is gonna be great! I will keep you posted for a release date
Monday, August 07, 2006

This Pub is in Dublin Ireland and dates back to 1789. In 1934 it was acquired by The O'Donoghue family who were responsible for turning it into the world famous Institution that it is today.
Of course the most important bit is that you can have a pint of real Guinness here. Not what passes for Guinness in the U.S.but the real stuff! Indescribably delicious!
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Special Stuff! This photograph was taken In Rome at sunset. Over the dome of St. Peters, there are three groups of swallows .At the time they were swirling and soaring. Acting as if they were controlled by some unseen power source. They carried on like that for almost an hour. Rome, St. Peters ,the sunset’s colors and these birds; Combined, truly special stuff!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I love British Pubs! Pub is a shortened term for public house. Some of them have existed for hundreds of years. I have visited one in Nottingham that is 1,000 years old! They have an endless array of interesting names ,building characteristics, delicious food and of course Beer! The Old Crown Inn is located in the small town of Hesket Newmarket. It is in Cumbria, which is in the lake district in Northern England. The Camra Good Beer guide contains reviews of 4,500 of the best pubs in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland , Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. So many, so little time ! Got to get Back there!

I was working on my CD’S the other day. You know,organizing cleaning etc etc. When I do this I put on my earphones and listen ,skipping around to a little bit of everything. As I was filing I noticed the Beatles white Album and loaded it . Listening, I could not get over how contemporary and fresh it sounded. After all it has been almost 40 years! . Maybe it was the earphones, but I was noticing all these little things that make this music remain vibrant after all these years. It is so well thought out and presented . It amazes me more and more how they did it! I guess this is another quality issue! This music has such honest emotional content. Maybe that is the key to its longevity. It will probably still be around long after lesser groups are on the scrap heap!
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Continuing my re-forestation theme, here are before and after photos of a segment of the project. They are taken at roughly the same point at the front of the 1 acre lot we have been working for the past 3 years. Shortly after we bought our current house (in background) we decided to by this lot that is next door. It appears to have been partially cleared at this location to make an Ocean view possible. As a result it was badly over run by invasive plants.
As this happened quite a few years ago they were difficult to remove.Once accomplished we put in red cinders and are planting only native material .The after photo is quite a few months old so everything is much larger now. It is difficult to visualize the mature size of everything therefore easy to over plant . We have had to remove several things as a result.
It is most satisfying to watch as things grow and develop . This whole project has become our retirement career . If the weather is good we will be out there whenever possible. But only in the morning as afternoons are reserved for reading or the hot pond ! What a life!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Another "weeding" session in our side lot . We have been hand clearing this one acre lot and restoring the forest for the past 3 years. Weeding In Hawaii is a little different. Note the pick and the O O bar . It is a 6 ft iron bar that is basically a large pry bar. This kind of work has helped me loose almost 50 pounds! Maybe one day we will finish!
Thursday, July 20, 2006

I am always trying to think of some far off place to use in a post. This however is something that is 15 minutes from our door. As we do often My wife and I went swimming at Ahalanui Park today . It is a natural inlet on the Pacific Ocean here on the Big Island of Hawaii. Years ago it was improved by a private owner as his Swimming pool . After he moved ,the property sat empty for quite a few years before the County bought it and created the Park. In the 70s. A large earthquake created “the Warm Pond” it is today . Heated water seeps in and is mixed with the ocean water. The water temp varies but is usually around 90 degrees . Because of the tides and ocean conditions it can either be very calm or 7 feet deep with waves breaking over the sea wall in the front. Either way it is Heaven! Just another benefit of being here on the most isolated land mass in the world! A hui Hou (until we meet again)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Today’s post covers three of my post categories . Quality , travel and History. Hadrian’s wall must be of quality construction because a lot of it is still in tact today. Since my first trip to England I have been interested in structures such as this. Just to actually touch something that the Romans built is quite remarkable !
Hadrian ordered this 80 mile long wall built around AD 120 to separate the Romans from the barbarians. As total conquest of Britain had failed, it was built to mark the boundary of the Empire. Built by the Legions. II Augusta , VI Victrix and XX Victrix, it stretches between Carlisle and Newcastle in England. Every Roman mile there was a manned gateway (milecastle) and towers(turrets) between them. There were also forts at regular intervals on the line of the entire wall.
For more information visit Hadrian’s wall link
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006

This Cd was selected by Jazz Times magazine as the best release of 2005. The material was recorded at Carnegie Hall as a Voice of America Radio broadcast in November 1957. It was never broadcast and then stuck in a vault until last year.
It is significant for several reasons . One is there are not many recordings of these two together. Another is, the sound quality which is what you would expect at Carnegie Hall. Also, at this particular time Coltrane had just recovered form alcohol and drug problems and had just been “fired “ by miles Davis. Monk helped him personally and Musically. And this group had been playing for many months so its cohesiveness was really together.
Above all it is Monk’s wonderful quirky writing that makes it special and fun! Monk just makes you smile!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Recently I received a gift subscription to Jazz times magazine .The magazines have not started but a few days ago I got a bonus gift .It is titled Miles Electric: a different kind of blue . This is an excellent documentary / concert recording of Miles at the beginning of his Electric period around 1969. Included are interviews with Herbie Hancock, Carlos Santana, Joni Mitchell and members of miles “Bitches Brew” group at the time. These interviews weave together a theme that presents an explanation of Miles controversial emerging “fusion “ music. It is fascinating to listen as each band member explains his contribution to the music. Drummer Jack De Johnette is the anchor establishing the groove, maintaining and embellishing it. Bassist Dave Holland creates focus within the music’s framework. Percussionist Arito Moriea adds color. Pianist (organ) Keith Jarrett brings funky primal energy and Chick Corea adds electric presence playing the Fender Rhodes.Gary Barts contributes Alto and soprano sax. The concert recording segment was done at the Isle of Wight rock Festival by Murray Lerner. It presents 38 minutes of this music’s powerful rhythm , electronic energy, which ebbs and flow. Miles effortlessly dictated change in its direction creating a masterpiece! The DVD is worth its price for the concert footage alone. Miles and his electric band produce powerful, staggering ,intensity and the unsuspecting audience (600,000) ,who had just seen Tiny Tim perform were probably stunned!
Saturday, July 01, 2006

n. pl. qual·i·ties
1. An inherent or distinguishing characteristic; a property.
2. A personal trait, especially a character trait: “The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence” (George S. Patton).
2. Essential character; nature: “The quality of mercy is not strain'd” (Shakespeare).
1. Superiority of kind: an intellect of unquestioned quality.
2. Degree or grade of excellence: yard goods of low quality.
1. High social position.
2. Those in a high social position.
5. Music. Timbre, as determined by harmonics: a voice with a distinctive metallic quality.
6. Linguistics. The character of a vowel sound determined by the size and shape of the oral cavity and the amount of resonance with which the sound is produced.
7. Logic. The positive or negative character of a proposition.
Having a high degree of excellence: the importance of quality health care.
I was going to create a Jazz CD review for today’s post but changed my mind. While trying to decide which album to choose I started thinking about the word quality. It can be used so many ways .
Good qualities in friends , products , music or films.
I once bought a pair of Klipsch speakers. I learned they were well made of quality materials and produced a superior sound. Even the way they were packed in the box suggested quality.
Anyway, what is quality to you? A friend that keeps their word, a pair of Converse All stars, Your Ipod? I think it would be interesting to have a survey! Maybe it will turn out to be quality time.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My brother Scott gave me an Amazon gift certificate which I used to order this excellent cd Box set. I am always visiting Amazon looking for Jazz goodies and this one is really special.
It is a collection of Columbia recordings that cover 1927 to 1962.
Each of the three discs have at least 20 tracks and covers groups of the time span. Disc one has 1927 to 1940. Number two has 1947 to 1952. Disc three has 1956 to 1962. The set is well designed and has an accompanying book containing very complete information about Duke and the music. But the music is the thing . It has (as the Duke said) terpsichorean urge. This probably means its got that swing! It reflects the Duke who is surely one of the most important musicians of the 20th century.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006

I am hooked on the original game show What’s my line! The Game Show channel airs it every night. This original version had a run of 17 years from 1950 to 1967. It is considered the longest running and most beloved TV game show. It is not only the game that fascinates me . It is the relationship between the Moderator John Charles Daily and the panel. It seems so sincere and courteous . All of the guests are respected too . The regular panelists ,Bennett Cerf ,Dorothy Kilgallen , Arlene Francis and the rotating guest all project an air of intelligence , sophistication and charm . Then there are the mystery guests . What Mega Stars they were! Nothing like it now. How things have changed! It seems light years between this wonderful , simple old TV show and American Idol .Backwards that is!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My friend Mick”Bomber” Barton is really into cricket .When I met him almost 20 years ago he was simply playing the game. Over the years his involvement has grown . Because he and his wife Anne now have two boys he has become a cricket coach as well. Now he is also involved with the Clumber Park Cricket Club.They maintain and operate cricket related facilities in what once was formerly home to the Dukes of Newcastle.Mick is the Vice Chairman of the organization . At this point I suppose some one is now thinking I am being too serious .They would probably say that all this cricket activity is juat an opportunity to eventually end up at the club having a pint with the lads! Such a cynic! Anyway please note the new link to Clumber Park Cricket Club to the right! Visit the site and contact the Vice Chairman. Tell him to have a pint for Gregg

I know I am trying to be less self absorbed but at least this post is not so serious and seems to be fun to me. One step at a time! I went to buy a couple pairs of knock around shorts today. Just average comfortable draw string shorts to wear around the house. As I was looking around the men’s department I saw something else. I had seen it before in the current Land’s end catalog and it must be fate that Sears now carries Land’s end men’s clothing .Anyway, there it was straight from page 128. I could not resist. It called my name. Gregg BUY ME YOU, KNOW YOU HAVE TO HAVE ME . Many stronger could probably resist a Coral Red Madras shirt. Not me. I will be 60 this weekend but suddenly ,right there in Sears, I was 16 again! That material , the colors and patterns , the button down collar . I quickly grabbed it and headed to the fitting room. It looked great , even my wife Sharon liked it! I am going to wear it to my birthday dinner this week end . I may be turning 60 but it will seem like 1963!
Sunday, June 04, 2006

New Name New attitude
I was talking to my friend Anne this morning when I mentioned this blog. She told me that after visiting a few times she found it a bit serious and self absorbed and that it could me more fun.
It may be that being British gives her a different point of view or that being an American automatically makes me self absorbed. Anyway , the conversation got me thinking about all of this.
Without being too serious or self absorbed I wonder how you can produce material for a personal journal without being a little self absorbed . If it is possible I will find a way!
This brings me to the new blog name Notso’s
A few years ago I was talking to a workmate about the many years of bad jokes I heard regarding my last name which is Niceley.He blurted out ,” well I think you are notso Niceley”. This seems a perfect way to change the Attitude of the blog You know ,notso serious ,notso self absorbed .
We shall see.
So thanks Anne, now sod off!
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ah Beer ! What would we do without it? For years I have been exploring and sampling various breweries products. Not downing six packs but searching for quality real beer. This trend started during my first trip to Britain in 1983.It was then I discovered real Ale . This term describes ale that is made from only basic ingredients. Real ale is bottled in such a way that it continues to mature in the bottle. It is also sold in casks that are distributed to Pubs . Over the years I have gravitated to dark beers (or Stout )becauseThey have more character. This brings me to my current favorite . I feel Deschutes Obsidian Stout is the closest thing to Guinness that you can find. Not the Guinness you can buy locally but the real stuff in Ireland. Deschutes is brewed in Bend Oregon .Obsidian Stout is one of eight or so they sell. They also produce a tasty Holiday Ale . Here is another excellent source ( under the real beer link to the right) of information on Ale and Pubs in The U.K.

Robert Louis Stevenson once said “To come down covered with mud and drenched with sweat and rain after some hours in the bush ,change , rubdown, and take a chair in the verandah is to taste a quiet conscience.” He was referring to caring for his 314 acre estate in Samoa. I can relate to that (on a smaller scale) wile working around our 2 acres here in Hawaii. My current short term project is weeding pineapples .These are white pinapples, which are only grown here on the Big Island , Hawaii. They are sweeter and less acidic than the yellow variety and are only available here! After you have tasted one of these ,yellows will never seem quite as good. Last year we had 30 plants and almost every one produced a 5 pound fruit! Each plant also produces Keiki (babies) which may be removed , rooted and planted . After that process last summer our plant inventory jumped from 30 to almost 100. Weeding is quite a project. First there is the Hawaiian Sun. It is intense to say the least! Then some of the weeds are so hard to pull you almost need dynamite! I have to wear safety goggles because the plants are very sharp. And there are centipedes in the soil that have a pretty serious sting. Even so these delicious fruits are worth all the sweat! They will be ripe in about a month .
Sunday, May 28, 2006

John Coltrane
For me another subject with endless vitality and spiritual meaning. I have been adding his albums to my collection for years. From his early recordings in the 1950s to the last of his work before his death in 1967, the number is now over 20, It is interesting to listen over the years as a straight ahead bop style transcends into an intense search for spiritual meaning. His playing evolved into music that was not traditional and caused a lot of mixed reviews. For me( Mr. Searching for answers) it is meditative. It is more spiritual in nature than anything the Christian right has come up with! There is even a Coltrane Church in (San Francisco of course)www.saintjohncoltrane.com/ Many words have been written but the best way to experience Coltrane is to listen. For starters use the link to the right . After you enter the site the top left had of the window has a pull down menu of several complete tunes. Listen to any or better yet, all of them! Go ahead get hooked!!